#javascript #es6 #interview #functional programmingImpress interviewers with recursion in JavaScript with ES6 featuresThere’s nothing as flashy and useful for JavaScript interviews than recursion. If you just want to be impressive with recursion in JavaScript, here are some semi real-world (technical test type) examples. The short definition of a recursive solution to a problem (in computer sci ...
#javascript #Functional Programming #ProductivityFirst-class and Higher Order Functions: Effective Functional JavaScriptFunctions: the killer JavaScript feature we never talk about. JavaScript is a very in-demand language today. It runs in a lot of places from the browser to embedded systems and it brings a non-blocking I/O model that is faster than others for some types of applications. What real ...
#javascript #Functional Programming #ProductivityClosures, Partial Application and Currying: Effective Functional JavaScriptSpices and other ingredients of a great curry To use JavaScript to its full potential you have to embrace its strong functional programming base. We’re going to explore some crucial and powerful functional constructs: closures, partial application and currying that make JavaScrip ...