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Impress interviewers with recursion in JavaScript with ES6 features

There’s nothing as flashy and useful for JavaScript interviews than recursion.

If you just want to be impressive with recursion in JavaScript, here are some semi real-world (technical test type) examples.

The short definition of a recursive solution to a problem (in computer science) is: don’t use iteration. This usually means a function has to call itself with a smaller instance of the same problem until it hits a trivial case (usually defined in the problem).

Hence, recursion is composed of a couple of steps:

  1. the base or terminating case, it’s the situation we want to end up in “A recursive function definition has one or more base cases, meaning input(s) for which the function produces a result trivially (without recurring)” - Wikipedia, Recursion (computer science)
  2. recursive case, where the program recurs (again [Wikipedia, Recursion (computer science)](http://one or more recursive cases, meaning input(s) for which the program recurs (calls itself)))

In this post:

Table of Contents

The examples for this post are on ObervableHQ, which is a super cool tool that allows you to build JavaScript notebooks:

🛰 Recursion to wrap sequential HTTP requests

Say you need to get multiple pages from a REST API and you’re forced to use the native HTTPS module, (example on ObservableHQ). In this situation we’ll be fetching comments from the Reddit API.

With this API:

  • if there are more comments than fit in one response, it will return an after field in the data, which can be used as a query param in a request to get the next chunk of comments
  • if there are no more comments, after will be falsy

That defines our terminating and recursive cases, we fetch data from the Reddit API and then either:

  • after is falsy → terminating case, return the data
  • after is defined → recursive case, pass it to fetch the next page as well as data returned from current call

One of the tricks used here is passing an empty data array into the recursiveCommentFetch function from the first pass. This allows us to keep injecting more and more values as we go through each recursive call, and therefore are able to resolve to the full set at the terminating case.

const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const user = 'hugo__df';

function makeRedditCommentUrl(user, queryParams) {
  return `https://www.reddit.com/user/${user}/comments.json?${
      .filter(([k, v]) => Boolean(v))
        ([k, v]) => `${k}=${v}`

function recursiveCommentFetch(user, data = [], { after, limit = 100 } = {}) {
  const url = makeRedditCommentUrl(user, { after, limit });
  return fetch(url)
    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(res => {
      const { after, children } = res.data;
      const newData = [...data, ...children];
      if (after) {
        // recursive case, there's a way to fetch more comments
        return recurseCommentFetch(user, newData, { after });
      // base or terminating case
      return newData;

  .then(comments => console.log(comments));

I familiarised myself with this API by creating the following visualisation for Reddit contributions (in GitHub’s contribution graph style), see it on ObservableHQ, the blog version is also live:

GitHub-style contribution graph for Reddit

📃 Count number of characters

When the question goes something like this: “given an input, return an object containing how many times each character is present in the input”.

There’s a live demo on ObservableHQ.

The terminating and recursive case aren’t immediately obvious, so there are a few leaps here:

  1. understanding that an input can be cast to a string, which can be .split into an Array (ie. most arbitrary input can be converted into an Array).
  2. knowing how to recurse through an Array, it’s probably one of the easier/most common things to recurse through but it takes seeing it a couple of times to start feeling comfortable doing it

That gives us the following situation for a recursive function:

  • list/array of characters is empty → terminating case, return the characterToCount map
  • list/array of characters is not empty → recursive case, update characterToCountMap by incrementing/initialising the current character’s entry. Call the recursive function with the updated map and the rest of the list/array.

I’ve written a more complete post: Recursion in JavaScript with ES6, destructuring and rest/spread, which goes into more detail (examples and techniques) about how we can recurse through lists (arrays) in ES6 JavaScript. It explains things like the [firstCharacter, ...rest] notation.

function recurseCountCharacters(
  [firstCharacter, ...rest],
  characterToCountMap = {}
) {
  const currentCharacterCount = characterToCountMap[firstCharacter] || 0;
  const newCharacterToCountMap = {
    [firstCharacter]: currentCharacterCount + 1
  if (rest.length === 0) {
    // base/terminating case
    // -> nothing characters left in the string
    return newCharacterToCountMap;
  // recursive case
  return recurseCountCharacters(rest, newCharacterToCountMap);

function countCharacters(input) {
  return recurseCountCharacters(String(input).split(''));  

// { "0":6, "1": 1 }
console.log(countCharacters('some sentence'));
// { "s":2,"o":1,"m":1,"e":4," ":1,"n":2,"t":1,"c":1}

That’s how you breeze through interviews using recursion 🙂, running circles around those toy problems.

Recursive solutions to interview problems end up looking cooler and cleaner than iterative ones, they’re interviewer eye-candy.

For any questions you can reach me on Twitter @hugo__df.

unsplash-logoAndre Mouton


Hugo Di Francesco

Co-author of "Professional JavaScript", "Front-End Development Projects with Vue.js" with Packt, "The Jest Handbook" (self-published). Hugo runs the Code with Hugo website helping over 100,000 developers every month and holds an MEng in Mathematical Computation from University College London (UCL). He has used JavaScript extensively to create scalable and performant platforms at companies such as Canon, Elsevier and (currently) Eurostar.

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