#lerna #tooling #node #javascriptLerna publish with no git commit, tag or pushTo lerna publish without a git commit or attempting to git push, use --no-push --no-git-tag-version, like so: lerna publish --no-push --no-git-tag-version For official documentation on these options see the lerna version docs. To understand the specifics of --no-push, --no-git-ta ...
#deployment #node #javascript #tooling #netlify #dokkuDeployment options: Netlify + Dokku on DigitalOcean or Hetzner Cloud vs now.sh, GitHub Pages, Heroku and AWSSettling on a Netlify + Dokku on DigitalOcean (for US) or Hetzner Cloud (for EU) deployment stack for JavaScript and Node. Over the last few years I’ve never quite settled on a goto deployment strategy for my apps and projects. Technology-wise it has settled towards Vue or stati ...
#bash #deployment #ci #toolingBash Cheatsheet: check if environment variables are set or file/symlinks exists + moreA bash scripting cheat sheet for developers who just want to get by. Writing setup, CI and deployment flows means a bit of the old bash scripting. Despite my deep interest in the intricacies of Bash (/sarcasm), I’ve kept hitting up Google and StackOverflow for solutions to ...
#graphql #tooling #web developmentA gentle introduction to GraphQL API integrationsGraphQL is a great alternative to REST (or other HTTP API designs). This is an quick introduction to the core concepts around consuming a GraphQL API. To see some examples consuming a GraphQL API: In Python, see Python GraphQL client requests example using gql In JavaScript (brow ...
#node #deployment #javascript #toolingBuild and deploy a Vue/React/Vanilla JS app with Parcel and GitHub pagesParcel allows us to bundle frontend applications with no configuration and GitHub pages affords us a way to deploy them for free. Here’s how to use these two tools together to deploy a JavaScript application. Full example of a repo deployed like this: https://github.com/Hug ...
#tooling #git #ci #bashDeploy to multiple environments with git and CircleCIEasily deploying to multiple environments in a simple manner using GitHub, CircleCI and Heroku. Continuous Integration is awesome, but sometimes you need a buffer between auto-deploying things on merge and the production release. To do that with CircleCI requires some git branch- ...
#Redis #toolingInstall just redis-cli on Ubuntu, Debian, JessieAs part of adding integration tests to an app on CircleCI I ran into the following issues: redis-cli’s API has changed from Redis CLI versions 2 to 3 to 4 ie. this works in v4 redis-cli -u ${REDIS_URL} but doesn’t in v2 the “only way” to install redis-cli is thr ...