#alpinejs #eleventy #javascript #laravel #laravel #rails #craftcmsIntegrating Alpine.js + Pre/Server-rendered contentAlpine.js is a great choice for adding some interactive feature to a server rendered, static or pre-rendered site. In the Alpine.js GitHub Issues, we’ve seen a lot of questions around how to deal with content that’s pre-rendered or server-rendered in Alpine.js in orde ...
#alpinejs #eleventy #javascriptIntegrating Alpine.js with Eleventy & YAML files to create Alpine Playground's CollectionsAdding collections to Alpine.js Playground, essentially bringing it in line with projects such as awesome-alpine and alpinetoolbox.com. It came from the fact that I’m curating quite a bit of content for each newsletter and it makes sense that content featured on the newslet ...
#eleventy #alpinejs #javascript #nodeHow to migrate a bunch of HTML pages (Alpine.js Playground) to EleventyAlpine.js Playground was recently migrated from custom build scripts & HTML pages to leverage Eleventy. For context, Alpine.js Playground’s custom build scripts + HTML files had the following pros and cons. Pros: simple very simple, everything is in the scripts folder. ...