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Show/hide in Alpine.js with x-show

In Alpine.js the directive used to toggle visibility of an element is x-show. Per the Alpine.js README, “x-show toggles the display: none; style on the element depending if the expression resolves to true or false”.

This means if we have a component with state { isShowing: false }, we can use x-show="isShowing" on an element to toggle its visibility.

If isShowing is false, x-show will set display: none in the styles, which means the element will not show.

If isShowing is true, x-show will remove display: none from the styles, which means the element will show.

A simple example to illustrate this is the following:

<div x-data="{ isShowing: false }">
  <p x-show="isShowing">Shows when <code>isShowing</code> is true</p>
  <p x-show="!isShowing">Shows when <code>isShowing</code> is false</p>
  <p><code>isShowing: </code><code x-text="isShowing"></code></p>

Which displays the following in the browser:

p with x-show="isShowing" does not display, p with x-show="!isShowing" displays when isShowing is false

The element with x-show="isShowing" is hidden when isShowing is false, the element with x-show="!isShowing" is shown when isShowing is false since !false (not false) evaluates to true.

Since x-show supports expressions (as do many Alpine.js directives), we can also pass boolean literals:

<div x-data="{}">
  <p x-show="true">Always shown</p>
  <p x-show="false">Always hidden</p>

In this case, we’ll have the following output

p with x-show="true" is displayed, p with x-show="false" is hidden

Another example of x-show using expressions is logic operators, in this case, greater than/less than and equals operators.

<div x-data="{ count: 1 }">
  <p x-show="count === 1">
    Shown when count is 1 using <code>count === 1</code>
  <p x-show="count >= 0">
    Shown when count is greater than or equal to 0 using <code>count >= 0</code>
  <p x-show="count === 2">
    Shown when count is 2 using <code>count === 1</code>
  <div><code>count: </code><code x-text="count"></code></div>

Which shows the following output

p with x-show for count equal to 1 shows as does the p with x-show for count greater than or equal to 0 but the p with x-show for count equal to 2 is hidden, count is printed out as 1

Similarly, any function that returns a boolean (eg. Array#includes()) can be used in the expression for x-show.

We’ve now seen how to toggle the visibility of elements based on expressions that return booleans.

You can find the examples for this post at Alpine.js Handbook Examples - 1.2 Show-Hide

That’s it for this post, you can check out the Alpine.js tag on Code with Hugo for more in-depth Alpine.js guides.

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Photo by Avinash Kumar on Unsplash


Hugo Di Francesco

Co-author of "Professional JavaScript", "Front-End Development Projects with Vue.js" with Packt, "The Jest Handbook" (self-published). Hugo runs the Code with Hugo website helping over 100,000 developers every month and holds an MEng in Mathematical Computation from University College London (UCL). He has used JavaScript extensively to create scalable and performant platforms at companies such as Canon, Elsevier and (currently) Eurostar.

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